I just stumbled across this web application that is a real jewel. It's only been around for a few days, so be one of the first to try it out. YOU'LL LIKE IT!
Do you ever send email to yourself? I do all the time, i.e. reminders, web addresses that I want to look at later, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Well here's the easy and quick way.
Go to http://www.notesforlater.com/. Enter your email address, verify it from the email you receive, and then you'll get a "Make Note" bookmarklet to drag onto your bookmarks/favorites bar. Click that bookmarklet on any web page, and you'll instantly get an email with the URL and the time and date you sent it.

Do you ever send email to yourself? I do all the time, i.e. reminders, web addresses that I want to look at later, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Well here's the easy and quick way.
Go to http://www.notesforlater.com/. Enter your email address, verify it from the email you receive, and then you'll get a "Make Note" bookmarklet to drag onto your bookmarks/favorites bar. Click that bookmarklet on any web page, and you'll instantly get an email with the URL and the time and date you sent it.