USING LINUX FOR THE DESKTOP IS THE BEST ADVICE REFERENCE COMPUTERS THAT YOU WILL EVER RECEIVE. i.e. It's free - no more viruses or worms on your pc - It hardly ever crashes (I've had my pc go for months without having to reboot). You will be able to copy cd's and dvd's faster, etc. You can install Linux alongside Windows and decide which system to boot up when you turn the pc on. A little time with linux and you will never look back. A good site to read more about Linux for the desktop is: "Bruno's All Things Linux" -----read the "Tips for Linux Explorers" section. Print it out if necessary. If you still have questions --- send them to me. Another helpful site for getting started is Here is a rather lengthy article giving 20 reasons to use Linux. Linux is available in many different distributions. Linux Mint is a good one to try out first. It's easy to use and will work on older pc's. Later you may want to download and try Mandriva or Ubuntu.
In the market for a printer? Laser printers are fast and a hellofa lot cheaper to operate than an inkjet. If you must have color prints take your pictures (on a usb memory stick) to Target, Walmart, Sam's Club, or just about any drugstore. Black and white laser printers have really come down in price lately. Best Buy has the Brother-HL2140 for $69.99. The cartridge is another $53.99 - but will last a long, long time.

In the market for a printer? Laser printers are fast and a hellofa lot cheaper to operate than an inkjet. If you must have color prints take your pictures (on a usb memory stick) to Target, Walmart, Sam's Club, or just about any drugstore. Black and white laser printers have really come down in price lately. Best Buy has the Brother-HL2140 for $69.99. The cartridge is another $53.99 - but will last a long, long time.