Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Welcome to the initial installment of "The BluesShak." What is it? - you may ask, and why take the time to do something like this?

Several reasons 1) I've always wanted to write a book but have never put words to paper except for a couple of short paragraphs. Perhaps I can try out those words here to see the response. 2) I believe that in order to get something you have to give something. By giving of my own thoughts and discoveries, I'm hoping to receive your feedback and therefore make this a learning experience. 3) I'm roughly five years away from retirement and I plan on making my fortune in the next five years. I've already started towards that goal - and you'll be hearing more about that later. Don't worry - asking you for contributions is not part of the plan.

The name BluesShak is the name of a small business I intend to open near the coast of NC after retirement. It will be a combination of restaurant, bar, and live music venue.

Come along for the ride. It won't cost you anything - and who knows - you may learn a few helpful tricks along the way.

IBC Memphis 2010