Every day (or as often as I find them) I'm going to recommend web sites and/or applications that I know you will find helpful. Here's the first: http://www.spaaze.com
Spaaze looks and acts like a giant cork-board on your desktop. After signing in, drag the bookmarklet up to your "bookmarks toolbar". Then whenever you find an interesting web page, click on the Spaaze bookmarklet and a link to the new page will be added to your corkboard. I have "hotspots" on my board for: "read laters", "daily web sites", "e-mail accounts", etc.. I also keep post-it notes with to-do lists and reminders. Your spaaze is reachable from any pc or laptop. Spaaze, used in combination with Firefox add-ons "X-Marks" and "Read-It-Later", really help save time and frustration when you need to find/keep some web-based info. You do use Firefox as your web browser I assume. Opera is good also. I use two side-by-side monitors that make up one desktop - and quite often have both Firefox and Opera open at the same time. Some sites (but not all) just seem to work better in Opera, although the add-ons for Firefox make it indispensable.

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